Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I hate it when people say, "Happy holidays," to avoid "offending" anyone.
This is ridiculous! I have several Jewish friends, and a few non-denominational who don't celebrate much at all. I talked to them, and they are never offended by Merry Christmas. I think it's silly. The only thing people do when they tip-toe around such greetings, is degrade their own beliefs!
I won't try to shove my beliefs down anyone's troat. That is offensive. Honestly, if one of my friends told me, "Happy Hanukkah," I'd be happy that they wanted the time they celebrated to be a good time for me also. What better way to greet some one then telling them you want the time you celebrate to be a good time for them?!
I don't know, maybe it's just me. But I don't really think so. How often do you hear the store clerk say "happy holidays" and say "merry Christmas" back? I do it all the time. And if they told me some other greeting, I'd be honored that they extended it to me, and return the gesture with my own.
Let's celebrate our differences, by showing them, and being proud of them, shall we?
"Happy Christmas," Mon Ami says.

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